and the arrival on one notorious desert planet named Arrakis. After last week's startling reveal that Desmond Hart was Tula Harkonnen and Orry Atreides' abandoned love child — marking the ...
According to a blog post from developer Funcom to close out 2024, the death metrics for those in the closed beta show that Funcom has really nailed down the reality of a planet like Arrakis ...
“I am beyond excited to get to go to Arrakis,” Sarah-Sofie Boussnina told Decider in an interview Friday morning. “She doesn’t know what what to expect, you know? When she’s running ...
Director Denis Villeneuve thought he would need a break before taking on Dune: Messiah but was surprised that he "didn't want to run away from Arrakis." ...
Dune: Awakening is an open world survival MMO where you rise from survival to dominance in a vast and seamless Arrakis shared by thousands of players. Dune: Awakening is set on Arrakis and takes ...