This Hollywood drama is based on the events of the Apollo 13 lunar mission, astronauts Jim Lovell, Fred Haise and Jack Swigert find everything going according to plan after leaving Earth's orbit.
Well, we’re still talking about “Apollo 13,” so that probably tells you something. Here are 20 facts you might not know about the movie about the mission. Houston, we have trivia.
But when an explosion onboard the service module compromised the Apollo 13 mission and the safety of the astronauts, NASA’s priority shifted to getting their people home safely. Ron Howard’s ...
Retired NASA astronaut Nicole Stott watches and rates ... She details what went wrong with the Apollo 13 mission's lunar module and how the crew made it back to Earth in "Apollo 13," starring ...
As an astronaut, Lovell had several missions ... from home and the remarks of Lovell were made famous in the 1995 "Apollo 13" movie starring Tom Hanks. Lovell's heroics were celebrated as the ...