A "new black market" for synthetics and drug trafficking through war zones are fuelling instability around the world, the chief of the UN drugs and crime office said on Monday.
It’s not certain that China’s response to US trade tensions has influenced its Africa policy, but there are coincidences.
The president has rescinded a Biden-era system that required high-level approval for certain drone strikes and commando raids ...
It’s estimated that Uganda used to collect over Ush500 million ($136,000) in revenue from the Bunagana border annually ...
The use of drones by several African countries in their fight against armed groups is causing significant harm to civilians, ...
More recently, China retaliated to the US trade war by announcing tariffs on ... Hunan also hosts the pilot zone for In-Depth China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation. The zone has numerous ...
A "new black market" for synthetics and drug trafficking through war zones are fuelling instability around the world, the ...
Investors do not appear the slightest bit concerned that the town is located on disputed territory at the centre of Africa's longest ... control of the area in a war that lasted 16 years, mounting ...