誠如 Arm 執行長 Rene Haas 在我們一年前首次公開募股 (IPO) 當天所說的,「IPO 只是個特定的時間點」,我們預見在 Arm 平台之上建構運算的未來將帶來巨大的機會。自 2023 年 9 月 14 日以來,我們 ...
Young Sohn 為 Arm 董事會帶來多元化的產業經驗 英國劍橋 – 2024年9月12日 – Arm 控股有限公司(納斯達克股票代碼:ARM,以下簡稱 “Arm”) 今日宣布聘任 Young Sohn 為新任董事會成員。Young Sohn 現任 ...
半導体分野での多様な経験を活かし、Armの取締役会に貢献 2024年9月12日、英国ケンブリッジ発 –– 英Arm (本社:英国ケンブリッジ、日本法人:神奈川県横浜市、NASDAQ: ARM、以下Arm) は本日 ...
著:ディプティ・ヴァチャーニ(Dipti Vachani)、シニア・バイスプレジデント兼オートモーティブ事業部門ジェネラル・マネージャー 上記の要件は、その直後に発足したSOAFEE(Scalable Open ...
With any complex software system, it is critical to understand the interworking of different modules and the capabilities of the underlying hardware. If you have any questions about software on ...
作者:Arm 資深副總裁暨車用事業部總經理 Dipti Vachani 在成立三週年之際,SOAFEE 持續引領軟體定義和人工智慧汽車領域的產業協作 吉利汽車、通用汽車、塔塔汽車等新成員加入,使 SOAFEE 社群 ...
Reference Design Platforms Accelerating the Deployment of Intelligent IoT at Scale ...
Designing a secure system-on-chip (SoC) is challenging and time-consuming. It involves defining a system architecture, acquiring the right IP and integrating many pieces of IP together to build a ...
You can tell a lot about a company by the people who lead it — their skills, their stories and their standards. Our business is foundational technology. These leaders are the foundation we build on.
The Arm architecture is the keystone of the world’s largest compute ecosystem. It enables our partners to build their products in an efficient, affordable, and secure way. Arm’s proven track record of ...
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Arm is the leading technology provider of processor IP, offering the widest range of cores to address the performance, power, and cost requirements of every device—from IoT sensors to supercomputers, ...