What do you wish you had spent more time doing five years ago? Traveling! Now, as a general manager, I can’t take large amounts of time off. — Jade K., St. Petersbur ...
If you’re the owner or top manager of a U.S. eyecare business serving the public, you’re invited to join the INVISION Brain Squad. By taking one five-minute quiz a month, you can get a free t-shirt, ...
But perhaps your big item for the month should be making sure your EHRs technology hasn’t outpaced its implementation.
1 March is Save Your Vision Month. Consider offering a heavily discounted full exam for new customers and promote it relentlessly. The week before, contact local media outlets to offer an interview on ...
He needs help with exams and cost is not a problem—but his staff and patients are tech-shy. What would you advise that he do?
Like how to recruit like a pro, finally knock things off your to-do list, and the magic number of times you need to repeat yourself for staff finally start to pay attention.