The Star Wars franchise’s upcoming New Jedi Order movie, which follows Rey as she leads a new generation of Force-users, has ...
Ryan Gosling is reportedly in talks to star in Shawn Levy's Star Wars film, which sources say is a "stand-alone" and unconnected to the Skywalker Saga.
Lucasfilm has hired yet another screenwriter to bang out a new script for Star Wars: New Jedi Order. The still-in-development ...
George Nolfi, known for his screenplay work on movies such as The Bourne Ultimatum and Ocean’s 12, has been tapped to write ...
Valerie Bertinelli surprised herself with a new relationship after divorcing Tom Vitale. “I’ve met someone. And I’m ...
The collaboration struck a chord with watch lovers, trend-followers and eBay scalpers in pretty much equal measure, leading ...