Policies that track individual risk profiles too closely, as today’s data trackers enable, could result in punitive premiums ...
James Wilson shares five ways he helps players prevent injury, support recovery and elevate their game through a good night’s ...
The world of wearable tech is rapidly developing, how does the Ultrahuman Ring AIR hold up against other cult products? One ...
If you have a problem with your sleep, it'll worsen just about every medical condition or psychiatric condition that you're ...
Smart rings are the latest trend in consumer tech to attract attention in the last few years. Adoption has quickly increased, ...
Plus: The FDA clears Google’s Loss of Pulse feature on the Pixel Watch 3, Oura launches a pregnancy study, and Photoshop gets ...
The Samsung Galaxy Ring might be one of the newest smart rings on the market, but one thing Samsung has nailed is the ...
Oura is overhauling its daily Readiness Score to better reflect natural fluctuations that occur during a user’s menstrual ...
Oura, the smart ring, is finally taking menstrual cycle data into account when assigning readiness scores—a feature whose ...
With a pregnancy study and a smarter cycle-tracking approach, Oura is delivering more accurate health insights.
Eye masks are great if light pollution is keeping you up at night, but if you're experiencing eye strain or want some extra ...
Oura announced a new and updated Readiness Score that now factors biometric fluctuations caused by the menstrual cycle into ...