Read a summary of this work: Hoiho/yellow-eyed penguin population and tracking report ... Try and give the exact location and take photos to help us make an assessment. Find actions you can take to ...
Hoiho/yellow-eyed penguin are a taoka, treasured across New Zealand/Aotearoa. They are rapidly declining in abundance in part of their range. Action is needed to avoid their extinction on our mainland ...
The yellow-eyed penguin could become extinct within two decades, says the Department of Conservation (DOC), with the number of known nests dropping by 80 percent over the past decade and a half.
The iconic yellow-eyed penguin / hoiho is facing possible extinction due to a number of factors, including human interference. Data shows the number of known yellow-eyed penguin nests has dropped ...
Photo / DoC Despite winning Bird of the Year in 2024, the hoiho, also known as the yellow-eyed penguin or takaraka, is at serious risk of becoming locally extinct within the next two decades as ...
Mainland yellow-eyed penguin could become extinct within two decades, says the Department of Conservation (DOC), with the number of known nests dropping by 80 percent over the past decade and a half.
The iconic yellow-eyed penguin / hoiho is facing possible extinction due to a number of factors, including human interference. Data shows the number of known yellow-eyed penguin nests has dropped by ...