In a post on Telegram, she drew attention to the words of Finnish President Alexander Stubb ... “You, not Europe, but Western Europe, need to take a map and understand that without Russia there is no ...
COPYRIGHT South Africa - The Good News. All rights strictly reserved ... or recording or stored in any retrieval system, without the written permission of the editor. However, direct links to the site ...
Portraying China’s presence in Africa with flags on maps can distort African states’ sovereignty and their power to make ...
West Africa has been a renowned gold mining hub ... like the reliance on subjective judgement to create reliable maps and the need to spend money prospecting in areas with low chances of success.
The widening divergence between Europe and the United States (US) under President Donald Trump appears to be rendering the notion of the collective ‘West’ obsolete. That could have important ...
U.S.A.I.D. The United States spent decades responding to conflicts and disease in Africa. The continent is now expected to be the hardest hit by the Trump administration’s aid cuts. The United ...
There will be no successful energy transition or sustainable economic growth without a collective, integrated approach to these challenges. Africa has everything needed to establish itself as a ...
Chatham House convening and research focuses on social norms and anti-corruption programming in Nigeria; cross-border conflict and smuggling across West Africa as part of the XCEPT research programme; ...
The study reveals a complex genetic ancestry with influences from both North and West Africa, shaped by historical migrations that have left a lasting impact on their genetic landscape.
A $9.3 billion climate deal rich nations struck with South Africa to help it transition to clean forms of energy will forge ahead despite the withdrawal of the US, with other partners remaining co ...
Or does it amount to a historic rupture? Much suggests the latter, because Trump is well on the way to burying a large idea: that of “the West.” Like the Global South, the West is not ...