The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is like an immensely powerful kitchen, designed to cook up some of the rarest and hottest ...
"The Simpsons" pick up on subtle cultural winds and technological whispers before they turn into full-blown storms.
Mark Thomson, new Director-General of CERN, must overcome funding challenges for the $17 billion Future Circular Collider.
Since the launch of the Large Hadron Collider, researchers have been studying Higgs bosons and searching for signs of physics ...
Discovered at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012, the elusive Higgs boson particle has been at the centre stage for ...
The next head of Europe's CERN physics laboratory said Thursday that he favored moving forward with plans for a giant ...
Thomson is no stranger CERN: he worked at a major experiment there in the 1990s, and helped to discover the Higgs boson at ...
Thomson will become the 17th director-general of the CERN particle-physics laboratory when he takes up the position in 2026 ...
Since the launch of the Large Hadron Collider, there has been ongoing research there into Higgs bosons and a search for ...
can be as complex and drawn-out as the Spanish Inquisition or the discovery of the Higgs particle. That it took so long is the depressing aspect of it all. For years, in a sport which revolves around ...