If a candidate were to win each of the thirty smallest states by exactly one vote and not receive a single vote anywhere else ...
Constitution Day commemorates a signal achievement, one creating a government strong enough to maintain order but with powers ...
The amendment process in the Constitution, as James Madison explained in The Federalist No. 43, was meant to establish a balance between the excesses of constant change and inflexibility ...
In 1786, the young United States of America was nearly ripped apart by Shays’ Rebellion. Angry farmers suffering from debt ...
Is the Constitution hazardous to our nation? According to the New York Times it is. At least, that’s what the Times’ book ...
Commemorate the anniversary of the U.S. Constitution on the historic grounds this Saturday at James Madison’s Montpelier in ...
James Madison University is named after the fourth president of the United States, but its mascot is named after the ...
Born: March 16, 1751, in Port Conway, Virginia... James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution," co-authored The federalist Papers, helped to establish a system of checks and balances for the ...
On this second day of Constitution Week, we look at James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, who was a delegate from ...
fellow from Piedmont, Va. who is generally considered the Father of the Constitution. As modest as James Madison was in appearance and demeanor, he made up for in his aspiration for America.
Among the ranks of the Constitutional Convention were men such as George Washington, who presided over the proceedings, Benjamin Franklin, and James Madison, who is often called the “father of the ...