Sharks and rays have populated the world's oceans for around 450 million years, but more than a third of the species living today are severely threatened by overfishing and the loss of their habitat.
An already-successful startup business is seeing a lot more attention following its appearance on national TV.
Green Lynx (David Kaldor): Aimless 20-something given a paid outlet for his thoughts on cartoons. Fears being boring slightly more than being outright disliked.
Shortfin makos are the fastest sharks in the sea, but they're failing to outpace the scale of overfishing that is driving ...
This video delves into the escalating issue of shark overpopulation and its impact on marine activities. It highlights the ...
New beach parking charges and rules went into place in Volusia County on Jan. 1, and since then, commercial fishermen say ...
In Season 15 of Shark Tank, Assaf Pashut pitched his robotic kitchen chef, Chefee, but did he make a deal? Here's what ...
Yoko the swell shark was born in a habitat of all-female sharks who hadn't seen a male in years. The aquarium has two ...
Yoko the swell shark was born in a habitat of all-female sharks who hadn't seen a male in years. The aquarium has two ...
New Jersey was the first place in history to receive a successful mobile call. This happened when Dr. Martin Cooper, the GM ...
Mike O’Dell’s quilting side hustle Legit Kits brought in more than $1 million in revenue last year, and landed an investment ...
An elite combat unit challenges would-be drone operators to be all they can be—a stark alternative to standard military ...