But there are things that people can do, starting with understanding that the air isn’t only polluted when it looks smoggy, ...
Coal is responsible for approximately 24.6 deaths per TWh (terawatt hour) due to air pollution and occupational hazards.
While Bhutan is known for its clean air, transboundary pollution is increasingly impacting the country’s air quality despite ...
MUMBAI: On Friday, the city recorded an overall air quality index of 155, with Ghatkopar in the ‘very poor’ category with an AQI of 303, as per the 4pm report released by the Central Pollution ...
Today’s air was classified as 'very unhealthy', referring to a serious health risk to residents, according to the AQI index ...
For a deeper look at how weather impacts air quality, visit our weather forecast page for up-to-date forecasts and insights. Poor air quality can affect everyone, but it’s especially important ...
Today’s air was classified as 'hazardous', referring to an alarming health risk to residents, according to the AQI index ...
Gurgaon: After maintaining temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius for the past two days, the city's minimum temperature on ...
The maximum temperature spiked to the warmest day of the year for two consecutive days. On Monday, the city experienced a ...
Western Disturbances have recently caused changes in the atmosphere in the Western Himalayan Region and Northwest India.