Taking a lump sum from your pension can be a fantastic way to pay off your mortgage, help out the kids or boost your savings.
ICAEW had previously urged the HMRC to address this issue, which has now been clarified through an updated guidance.
General Secretary, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo has said that those individuals who do not qualify for a National Insurance Scheme ...
It’s a common dilemma for pensioners and lucky lotto winners: take the cash today or be drip-fed a smaller amount of cash for ...
Deciding between taking a lump sum or monthly payments involves assessing a number of factors, including some that are ...
If you’re fortunate enough to have the luxury of choosing between a lump sum or monthly pension, consider yourself lucky. These days, pensions of this nature are becoming increasingly rare, and for ...
You may be entitled to extra payments from your deceased spouse's or civil partner's State Pension, however, this depends on ...
There’s a reason so many seniors file for Social Security at age 62 rather than wait. That’s the earliest age to sign up for ...
In the old pension scheme (OPS), a government employee gets an assured pension, but if they want, they can commute their ...
Royal London also found that nearly 1 in 12 (8%) took their tax-free cash lump sum within six months of their 55th birthday, which is currently the earliest age at which most people can access money ...
When companies offer a pension, it's common to give retirees two options: collect the pension as a lifetime monthly payment ...
Since April 2015, older savers have been able to take money directly from their pension, rather than buying an annuity. We ...