Foreign pensions are one of those things that often get pushed to the back of your mind – you know you should take care of it ...
The earlier you can start contributing, the better the chance you have of building a £1m pot. If starting in your twenties, ...
Less than two fifths (39 per cent) of UK adults aged 50 and over took advice from a financial adviser before taking money out of their pension, research from Royal London has revealed ...
This April sees the 10-year anniversary of the introduction of Freedom and Choice reforms that promised to revolutionise the ...
Royal London also found that nearly 1 in 12 (8%) took their tax-free cash lump sum within six months of their 55th birthday, which is currently the earliest age at which most people can access money ...
One in eight (12 per cent) people intending to purchase an annuity would not consider switching from their existing pension provider to another supplier, even if they could potentially gain additional ...
Against this uncertain economic backdrop, savers will want to be doing everything they can to ensure they are bolstering ...
People can act until April 5 this year, filling gaps in their national insurance record going back to the year 2006; however, ...
There are now an estimated 3.3 million lost pensions containing £31.1billion worth of assets in the UK, according to research ...
With the end of the tax year fast approaching, financial advisers should be reminding clients to make the most of their ...
The best solution is to call the UK Government’s Future Pension Service on 0800 731 0175 to double check how many years you ...
In her search for growth, the Chancellor is eyeing up the billions of pounds UK savers keep in cash for a rainy day.