It started at an airport. Strolling through Mactan-Cebu International Airport last month, I noticed a bearded man in a top ...
Toleransi antar umat beragama juga menjadi hal yang lumrah di sana. Selanjutnya, peninggalan-peninggalan Islam pada masa lampau yang masih dapat dilihat, yaitu: Cordoba Mezquita atau Masjid Cordova.
Prasasti pendirian dan peresmian Kantor Ledeng (Kantor Wali Kota) Palembang yang merupakan peninggalan Belanda kembali ditemukan. Prasasti kedua ini ditemukan tim Pusat Kajian Sejarah Sumatra Selatan ...
They were at their Uitkyk Farm home in Lutzville on Monday when a fight broke out between the suspect and Elizabeth Mc Gregor. After assaulting her, the suspect reportedly left the victim on the ...
Menurut laman Kemendikbud, prasasti Yupa adalah salah satu peninggalan Kerajaan Kutai, kerajaan bercorak Hindu tertua di Indonesia yang berpusat di Muara Kaman. Kata "Yupa" mengacu pada tiang atau ...
Following the sad passing of former Scotland captain Peter "PC" Brown at the age of 83 on Sunday, head coach Gregor Townsend shared his heartfelt condolences and deep admiration for the rugby legend.
Real estate investor Mendel Steiner of Brooklyn’s Borough Park died on Thursday at 33 years old. Steiner, in his brief real estate career, acquired multifamily buildings across Chicago ...
Rieko Ioane impressed in the All Blacks' win over Ireland in Dublin. Photo / Getty Images Maybe Rieko Ioane should spark a personal feud with everyone he plays against, because being a hated man ...