A groundbreaking discovery has revealed an unexplained heat source on the Moon’s far side. Linked to an enormous granite ...
New research challenges assumptions about the moon’s dormancy, revealing evidence of recent tectonic activity.
Certain metallic rocks seem to be making oxygen in the dark, without light or sunshine, at the bottom of the ocean.
Wednesday, February 5 First Quarter Moon occurs at 3:02 A.M. EST. Nearly half a day later, the Moon passes 5° north of Uranus ...
New research suggests the Moon still lives and that it isn't just a hunk of dead, cooled molten rock like scientists used to ...
Just announced and available to pre-order is a limited edition (just 3000 are being made) Super Deluxe Boxset of The Dark Side Of The Moon Redux, which was released in October 2023 in a variety of ...