Mixed reality gaming may be the motivation kids need to stay active, according to a new study from the University of Georgia.
In the last few decades, urban schools in Kansas City have not kept up with other schools in their ability to offer ...
Dragon's Lair was the first game to cost a whopping 50 cents to play, instead of a quarter.
The Entertainment Software Association, which represents the US video game industry's interests in Washington D.C., has ...
The 2003 action-adventure game Disney 's Piglet's Big Game, based on the film Piglet's Big Game, is selling out fast online ...
Veteran-owned Code Ninjas in Alexandria, Virginia teaches kids essential coding skills and important life lessons.
WASHINGTON (7News) — Parents might want to encourage their kids to play video games, especially if they show interest in ...
Video games can capture a moment in time for their players. There are plenty of kids who grew up in the 2000s who still have ...
Xbox Game Pass is arguably the premier gaming service available on the market today, and while largely catering to adults, ...