Fulfilling the commandment of circumcision means taking the ordinary body of a human being and transforming it into something ...
ShareProphetess Joy Okechukwu is the Founder of the Leading Woman Prophetic International Ministry, which guides women on the ...
At a time when the post-war world order is being dismantled, perpetual allies are treated like enemies and hostile nations ...
Caller News Foundation co-founder Tucker Carlson told Daily Caller editorial director Vince Coglianese Monday that the ...
Readers might be tempted to skip the first 17 verses of Matthew’s Gospel. After all, it’s just a genealogy of who “begat” whom, a list of names we don’t recognize and can’t pronounce. We’re tempted to ...
I am anticipating a deluge of angry letters from people listing off important persons named Elimelech that I’ve ignored, but the truth remains that despite the continued use of that personal name si ...
Why would we want a higher doctrine of scripture than we have of Jesus?
Even encountering African Christian communities, Europeans labeled local practices as heretical, justifying colonization and ...
Going big and going early leads to an uptick in public interest and in those necessary donations. Unfortunately, it also ...
In the Scroll of Esther, revenge is a powerful theme, but just as clearly one that leads to confusion and tragedy.
Archaeologists have discovered evidence of an Egyptian army where an Israelite king was killed. The discoveries at Megiddo, ...
In Orthodox Christian iconography, a peculiar icon of Saint Christopher can be seen, depicting him with a dog's head.