The 2008 historical war drama starring Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, and Jamie Bell is based on a true story and will air on ...
History forgotten (or unknown) leads to history repeated and understanding how the ruling Nazis came to power is important.
Monday’s ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz is more than just the moment to remember some 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust ...
A project of the Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, the billboard aims to draw attention to the experiences ...
The temporary exhibit with international acclaim — Lawyers Without Rights — has a new home at the Evansville Wartime Museum ...
After escaping a death march from Auschwitz, Paul Kling moved to Kentucky and became the orchestra's first chair. A Saturday ...
Those who have been circulating messages on how to report foreign students to ICE need to remember their history.
Paula Apsell knows the importance of capturing the stories of the Jewish resistance during the Holocaust. The director worked ...
Finland's community of approximately 1,500 Jews dates back to the 19th century when they arrived here to serve in the Russian ...
Chabad on Martha’s Vineyard is looking to relocate its popular, summer Jewish Culture Festival outside of West Tisbury with ...
Rabbi Moshe Herson, 90, who helped establish scores of New Jersey synagogues, died less than month after the death of his ...
As Jews are now faced with a new reality, I look to my father’s generation for the blueprint to build the world we want.