A WELL-known west Cumbrian photographer described by his family as ‘a news man through and through’ has died aged 93. Ivor Nicholas was one of the custodians of Cumbria’s history, having ...
British composer Mark-Anthony Turnage says that his musical compositions do not get “played much” on classical music radio stations. The 64-year-old, who has created music for ballets and ...
Charges have been filed against four suspects in connection to an armed home invasion in rural Minnesota that saw a safe containing more than $100,000 in cash stolen – with one of the suspects a ...
Hoeveel het voordeel precies is, hangt af van: het aantal contracturen inclusief overuren van de werknemer (verloonde uren); het gemiddelde uurloon (jaarloon gedeeld door het aantal verloonde uren).