Shadow Commons leader Jesse Norman said Labour is becoming progressively more Conservative while it is in office.
But it was Irving Kristol, ironically one of the founders of the neoconservative movement in America, who laid out the most forceful case for ending U.S. participation in NATO. In an article ...
If the only thing one knew about Stephen Miller was that he was a white man, it might be sufficient to explain his alignment ...
Britain’s great 19 th century statesman Lord Palmerston once remarked that England had “no eternal allies, and . . . no perpetual enemies.” “Our interests,” he continued, “are eternal ...
AEI responded, though not for the scholars at the top of my list. Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz weren’t taking interns, and Irving Kristol, who was then eighty-six, was rarely in the office.
As I have reflected on this question, I've fallen back on an article I wrote in 1993 for Irving Kristol's Public Interest, in which I identified four types of political parties. Two were based on ...
How to explain this trend, the opposite of what I hoped for and predicted? As I have reflected on this question, I’ve fallen back on an article I wrote in 1993 for Irving Kristol’s Public Interest, in ...