Talking at the Ideal Home Show, Martin Lewis shared: “This is what’s happening this year; car insurance renewal comes in (and ...
If you’ve ever driven down the road and heard a strange hum or felt a shake in your steering wheel, you’re not alone—and it ...
Top motoring mechanic Scotty Kilmer has suggested road users should decide to sell their second hand used car after noticing ...
A mechanic has shared a warning to drivers and said they may have to sell their cars after a certain sign appears on the ...
We've gathered up five of some of the most common window motor malfunction signs so that you're ready and prepared in the case you come across one of them. Operating a car window should be as ...
Jacob Lund/Adobe Stock When your car is low on gas, you have two clear warning signs. First, your gauge edges ever closer to “E.” Then, if you keep pushing, you’ll stall. But our bodies are much more ...
OK, the first one's obvious. If it's taking longer than normal to start your car when you're turning the key or pressing the button, that's a sure sign your battery needs attention. But it could also ...
A driver who didn't care about the signs installed on the side of the road and trusted his navigation app was found guilty of ...
Drivers have been issued a DVLA warning that they will need to "come to terms with". Ahead of new car tax rates from the ...
A Mississauga man co-signed a car loan for a friend three years ago, according to CTV. A year after purchase, the vehicle was ...
Two separate measures of consumer resilience have flashed warning signs recently. The Conference Board’s Consumer ... 4 – ...