Earlier this month, in a clever bit of promo, Will Smith made it look like he might be starring in a reboot of The Matrix, years after turning down the role of Neo that would ultimately be ...
Will Smith is finally making good on the casting that never was and suiting up as Neo from “The Matrix” in a new music video with Big Sean. “Beautiful Scars” dropped Thursday, becoming the Oscar and ...
Will Smith teams up with Big Sean to release first new music in years - Smith’s forthcoming album, Based On A True Story, ...
By the fall, a public parking lot with greenery and a bike path will replace the conveyer belts, trucks and gravel piles of ...
Rising artist Scott Teasley is building on the success of his 'Country Back' EP with the release of new song 'Gone to Dust' ...
Big Sean’s Cybertruck Big Sean has always been about pushing boundaries in the music world, and now he’s doing the same on the road with his Tesla Cybertruck. Just like his tracks, this vehicle ...