Im Deutschen Theater erinnert eine Tanzshow an den kubanischen Pianisten Bebo Valdés, im Schwere Reiter gibt es Körperkunst zu Minimal-Music.
Das Interim VS in der Goethestraße bleibt noch bis Mitte Mai. Derweil gehen die Bauarbeiten an der Villa Stuck gut voran - ...
Das Meta is a DevOps company that keeps business needs at its core and provides custom-made technical solutions. We work with companies of all sizes- from startups to large enterprises, to discover ...
In the past decade there has been a growing interest in understanding sex and gender differences in myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), and the purpose of this review is to provide an update ...
Jennifer Lopez also talked about the importance of love, and how it can "shorten the gap of any divide between people".