Loewen also argues the new harvest rate is sustainable, but that statement is at odds with management plans that call for ...
He described the trend of illegally hunting the animals as "a social media phenomenon" with betting and bragging. "They're videoing the dogs in the process of catching the hare, and then showing ...
Controlling numbers is a huge undertaking. In the UK, where deer cause 74,000 traffic accidents yearly, the population has ...
The state of Montana is suing the iconic Yellowstone National Park over its plan to increase the number of bison in and ...
There seems these days to be a “race to the bottom” among hunters who like to hunt and shoot long with smaller and smaller ...
Sarah Owen brought forward proposals to block members of the public from buying fireworks louder than 90 decibels, as part of ...
Sarah Owen brought forward proposals to block members of the public from buying fireworks louder than 90 decibels.
A group of San Francisco residents say they believe someone is shooting darts at ducks at McLaren Park. They believe it’s ...
Gardaí in Clare have launched an operation targeting illegal hunting and protecting wildlife and livestock. Checkpoints are being mounted across the county by gardaí in the Clare/Tipperary Division, ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and ...
Gary Groff fondly remembers hunting all day on his grandfather’s land as a boy. “For all my dad’s life, he could not believe that I could go out there before daylight and come back after dark,” he ...
A petition submitted to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission proposed a ban on hunting dogs to protect endangered species.