Lost bags are relatively uncommon in the airline industry, with more than 99% of items reaching their destination safely.
Many airlines now charge a checked bag fee, and some even charge for carry-on luggage. Here are the best airlines for baggage ...
American Airlines has integrated Apple's Share Item Location to help reunite travelers with lost luggage tracked by AirTags.
American Airlines has joined 18 other carriers to allow passengers to track down lost luggage using Apple AirTags, according ...
American Airlines now supports the iPhone feature that makes it easier to share the location of AirTag-equipped baggage at ...
American Airlines has introduced a feature that allows customers who place Apple AirTags in their luggage to help the airline ...
Starting this spring, the airline will increase boarding time in hopes of easing congestion, reducing last-minute baggage ...
There is an expanding range of options for tracking checked baggage available today, but is this the end of lost luggage?
American Airlines has announced support for Apple’s Share Item Location feature, potentially making it easier for passengers ...
American Airlines has joined the growing list of airlines that support an iPhone feature that allows passengers to share the ...
There are strict rules on hand luggage at airports but passengers should always make sure they keep one item in their ...