Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar expressed his happiness as students from his martial arts academy were placed in Mumbai's Income Tax department. He shared pictures with the trainees on social media ...
Akshay Kumar once confessed to being declined entry into the gymkhana and revealed that he was not a good star.
Akshay Kumar is known as Bollywood's original 'khiladi' and was born as Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia in a middle class Punjabi family in Amritsar in 1967. He studied martial arts in Bangkok and worked as ...
With his clean cut good looks and his training in martial arts, Akshay Kumar smoothly made a transition from action hero to a romantic hero and then into comedy, keeping movie buffs glued to their ...
Akshay Kumar was born on September 9, 1967, as Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia, in Amritsar to Hari Om Bhatia and Aruna Bhatia. Akshay Kumar has a sister, Alka Bhatia. Their father was a military officer.