At 1,080 feet, North Korea's Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang is one of the tallest unoccupied buildings in the world.
After years of mounting violations, frustration, and inaction, the city has officially declared a long-abandoned building in ...
A total of 48 abandoned premises and buildings have been identified in the federal capital as of last February 20, said ...
A total of 48 abandoned premises and buildings have been identified in the city as of last Feb 20, says Datuk Seri Dr Zaliha ...
Abandoned vehicles littered submerged roads across South Texas’ Rio Grande Valley Thursday and Friday after over half year’s ...
An abandoned church in East LA went up in flames Tuesday evening. LOS ANGELES - A commercial building caught fire in East Los ...
The MGB and the Midget are among Britain's most iconic classic cars. Someone abandoned four of them decades ago. Are they worth saving?
Europe’s tallest abandoned building may finally be completed after standing half-finished for four years, as long as it gets ...
The Bristol, Virginia Fire Department extinguished a fire in an abandoned building on Intermont Drive Monday night, Fire ...
Crews were not able to fight the fire at the abandoned sugar factory because of hazardous materials inside the building and ...