Martine Gutierrez is a transdisciplinary artist whose work explores identity and subverts pop-cultural tropes.
Self-Portrait with Monkey, 1938, Oil on masonite, 16" x 12", Collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, New York In October 1938, Frida staged her first one-woman exhibition at the Levy Gallery ...
Tunnel VisionWith a camera taped to the front of his scooter, Your Shot photographer Lex Schulte captured a self-portrait as he drove to work. Schulte's photo was chosen by National Geographic ...
As an insurrection is ruthlessly suppressed, two Impressionist painters find their way to each other.
Using a mirror and a limited range of drawing materials, artist Emma Majury demonstrates the technique of drawing a self-portrait. She applies different drawing materials and techniques to create ...
A half-naked artist in an unusual, not-so-subtle depiction of herself. A woman battering her own image with one self-portrait after another, in a manner that Ramsay Bolton would approve of. The ...
A brooding self-portrait by Vincent van Gogh has finally been declared genuine after years of uncertainty. Art experts have identified Self Portrait (1889) as the only work painted by the Dutch ...
Political violence tore France apart. A group of painters hoped a radical visual language could patch life back together.
Chantal Joffe's self-portrait with her daughter Esme called Looking Towards Bexhill is set on the beach at St Leonard’s-on-Sea, Sussex A collection of self-portraits by "major stars of ...