Cal Fire officials on Monday unveiled updated fire hazard severity maps for the High Desert and other portions of Southern ...
All told, the size of orange and red patches on the new maps is 3,626 square miles — an area nearly twice the size of ...
Cal Fire's new maps for Southern California added 3.5 million acres into fire-hazard zones, increasing the acreage in the ...
Most cities in the region saw an increase in land labeled a “very high” fire hazard, according to new maps released by Cal ...
Overall, Southern California is seeing a 26% increase in the areas designated in that highest level, according to ...
See where your home falls in California's new fire hazard zones, the first update to the state's maps in 14 years.
California officials on Monday released the fourth and final set of county maps that rate the likelihood and severity of ...
Cal Fire has introduced a new fire mitigation tool, an updated fire hazard map, which highlights increased fire risks in Kern ...