Biden and Trump have the lowest average approval ratings out of any post-World War II presidents, according to Gallup.
Survey suggests Americans believe history will not look favorably on the outgoing president, but some experts think otherwise.
Both noted it is not just partisans who are dismissing his presidency, but Democrats are joining in, too, telling Gallup that, at best, Biden will be viewed as just an average Joe. The Rasmussen ...
A new Gallup poll revealed that a majority of Americans expect history will view Joe Biden’s presidency in a negative light. According to the poll, 54% of the U.S. adults surveyed believe Biden ...
Joe Biden, when he ascended to the presidency four years ago, wanted to ‘restore the soul’ of the US and prove that Donald ...
Standing at a lectern at Washington's National Cathedral last Thursday, Joe Biden delivered the eulogy for former President ...
A majority of Americans believe President Joe Biden will be remembered as a ‘below average’ or ‘poor’ president, according to a new poll. Photo from Joe Biden, Facebook Most Americans ...