Putin Won
Historians like to play a parlor game called periodization, in which they attempt to define an era, often by identifying it with the individual who most shaped the times: the Age of Jackson, the Age of Reagan. Usually, this exercise requires many decades of hindsight, but not so in the 21st century.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared 2025 the "Year of the Defender of the Fatherland," but the soldiers whose patriotism he wants to champion could pose a threat to his rule when they return from fighting against Ukraine.
The fight is by no means over, with the head of the E.U. Commission announcing plans to strengthen Europe’s defense industry and drastically increase military capabilities.
Michael McFaul, ambassador to Russia during the Obama administration, harshly criticized Donald Trump's actions on the Russia-Ukraine war
Fresh possibilities have emerged for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia with a change of power in Washington.
When the US lined up alongside Russia and North Korea earlier this week to oppose a UN motion condemning Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine ... Europe and the US together since the end of World War II are no longer shared. Listen to the Here’s ...
“President Trump approaches diplomacy and engages in a very transactional manner, with economics as the foundation and driving force behind international affairs,” retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, the president’s special envoy to Ukraine and Russia, explained at an event in Washington this past week.
Advisers to the Russian leader have been surprised by the sudden change in tone from the White House in recent weeks.
The vast majority of Ukrainians want the freedom they have, want to be independent of Russia, and not to be living under Putin's dictatorship.
President Trump has turned the history of the Western world upside down by luring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky into the Oval Office and using the occasion to put the United States squarely in the camp of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Xi and Putin also cited discussions on ways to deepen Sino-Russian cooperation, such as jointly celebrating the 80th anniversary of their countries’ victory in World War II, according to the Chinese statement. Analysts say Russia will likely try to ...