Capital One users were reporting issues with receiving their deposits on Thursday morning, leaving many customers wondering where their money and paychecks are. Complaints on social media were pouring in via the @AskCapitalOne customer service account on X, formerly Twitter.
FIS Global, the Capital One service provider involved, said it has "restored access" and processing should be done Friday.
A Capital One outage caused by a third-party vendor disrupted transactions and deposits, prompting frustrated customers to voice grievances and share viral memes on social media.
The bank experienced a “technical issue” with a third-party vendor this week, impacting some account services like deposits and payment processing.
Capital One says an outage has been affecting users since Thursday; as customers report they are still waiting for services to return.
"Guess I'll be eating ramen again tonight," tweets one customer on third day of issues linked to a data-center power outage.
BANKING OUTAGE - On Saturday, Capital One apologized on X, saying that "we recognize the frustration this issue has caused and we sincerely apologize to our valued customers."
Critics said a gesture made by Elon Musk at a post-inauguration rally resembled a Nazi salute, though other figures dismissed the scrutiny.
BANKING OUTAGE - On Saturday, Capital One apologized on X, saying that "we recognize the frustration this issue has caused and we sincerely apologize to our valued customers."
Tens of thousands if not more hope to get inside Capital One Arena for the Inauguration Parade. Some lined up overnight to guarantee spots. Wind chill temps in the teens. ...
President-elect cheered at Sunday victory rally as he delivered campaign-style speech flanked by his family, Elon Musk and JD Vance while Kid Rock and The Village People performed live
The air quality in Delhi dropped to the 'very poor' category on Wednesday. According to the Central Pollution Control Board, the AQI in the national capital at 9 am was recorded at 356.