Approximately 55%* from information made public on the university website Approximately 45%* from information published within the 2022/23 Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Estates Management ...
According to Sustain UK, The food we consume is responsible for 20%- 30% of emissions globally. Meanwhile, the food system is destroying the environment upon which future food production depends, ...
Graham is our Development Co-Director. He is responsible for raising funds from grant giving organisations and individual donors. He also sits on Management Team. Maddie Bromfield Climate Justice ...
Strong ethical investment and banking policies ensure an institution’s financial practices are conducted transparently and in an economically-viable and socially-responsible manner. Investments in the ...
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What is meant by Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)? ‘There is increasing recognition that these three factors [economic, social and environmental] are interconnected, overlapping and ...
To identify companies with links to the border industry, we mainly consulted existing reports and research output about different segments or geographies of the border industry. Those included the ...
Only by analysis and regular audits of its different environmental impacts can an institution set targets, assess priorities and monitor trends, performance improvements or gaps. In recognition of the ...
This section is based on the latest available data from the Estates Management Record (EMR), which is made publicly available by the Higher Education Statistics Agency, HESA. Waste composted or ...
The 2023/24 People & Planet University League, which ranks 151 UK universities against sustainability and ethics criteria, shows that universities are beginning to listen to student demands to end ...
HESA now provides strict rules for data submission around nulls and zero. Universities are instructed to use null when they do not have the data, and are alerted to the fact that this will mean totals ...