Many developed countries spend more than 10 percent of their GDP on healthcare. In some cases, the figure can approach 20 percent. Ageing populations and rising costs of treatment mean expenditure is ...
An array of energy-saving measures introduced at one of ABB’s Mexico facilities has reduced emissions by 80 percent in two years. Since committing to the Mission to Zero blueprint for sustainable ...
The challenge facing ABB’s Belo Horizonte site in Contagem, south-east Brazil, was how to transform a 50-year-old factory into a beacon for sustainability. This is how the workforce set about making ...
Financial information concerning ABB's quarterly releases and the final annual results.
Insight. It’s the power to see and understand how something works in a new way, to unravel complexity and take action. It comes from visibility, intelligence and experience. It’s what makes ...
In order to further digitalize our business interactions together with our suppliers, we are now using the Strategic Sourcing Suite (SSS) by SAP Ariba to handle the sourcing, supplier management and ...
While there has been a lot of discussion about steps households can take to reduce their bills, the significant potential for energy efficiency and cost improvements in industry has received less ...
Each type of GTC is provided in country-specific and global standard versions. The country-specific version representing the country of registration of the ABB purchaser applies if listed below; if a ...
ABB values quality, customer focus and integrity. This means we strive to produce the highest possible quality of goods and services, deliver them to our customers on time and as promised, while ...
Check out this video for a quick tour of some of the highlights from ABB’s new research on digitalization, sustainability and the role of the Industrial IoT.
Explore the latest edition of ABB Review dedicated to robotics - from our revolutionary IRB 6 to today's innovations helping industries outrun. Access recent and archived PDF editions of ABB Review, ...
In line with the SBTi Net-Zero Standard, our scope 1, 2 and 3 targets for 2030 and 2050 were approved by the SBTi in June 2024. This aligns with our status as a signatory to the SBTi’s Business ...