The Omega Clan of Wolverine: Revenge, which consists of a new Omega Red, the infectious Omega White, and the sleek Omega Black, are just the latest iteration of the same band of villains who first ...
X-Force #9, by Geoffrey Thorne and Marcus To, is the next installment of “X-Manhunt”. “X-Manhunt” revolves around Charles Xavier escaping from Graymalkin Prison on a mission to save his daughter. This ...
In this rebooted world, Colossus rules over the Eurasian Republic alongside his sister Magik and Omega Red. Dubbed “the Winter Soldier” in this story, Wolverine is still closer to his Weapon X ...
An exclusive preview of Ultimate Wolverine #3 reveals that the MCU Avenger Black Widow is secretly working with the X-Men.
Omega Red, and even Jubilee. They are now switching over to the 97's series, updating some of the design with new accessories and deco. Wolverine will be joining Cyclops for this series with a ...