In 18th-century gothic, music was a light melodic release from dramatic scares. But with the arrival of melodrama in the 19th ...
This title is part of a longer publication history. The full run of this journal will be searched. TITLE HISTORY A title history is the publication history of a journal and includes a listing of the ...
Phone: 757-221-3933 Email: [[ddmors]] Victorian studies, English novel, the animal in Victorian literature, feminist studies Morse, Deborah Denenholz and Martin A. Danahay. Victorian Animal Dreams: ...
An advanced introduction to Victorian literature, highlighting the engagement by nineteenth century writers with questions of liberalism, democratisation, and the expansion of the British empire. The ...
In this novel, a number of Victorian fears are presented. We see the fear of 'the other' or 'foreignness' presented through the character of Tonga, who is depicted as savage and inherently evil.
Holly Furneaux explains why the show would find fans among a Victorian audience. Holly is Professor of English Literature at Cardiff University and was the literary advisor for Dickensian.
A study of literary culture in Britain and the Pacific during the Romantic and Victorian periods. This course explores relationships between poetry, novels, travel writing and political treatises in ...