Ultrafast lasers are lasers that produce short pulses of light, typically less than one picosecond. These devices often rely on techniques such as mode locking to create a train of pulses.
The last section discusses the generation of ultrafast pulse lasers by using plasmonic ultrafast optical switches. Ultrafast plasmonics have been extensively exploited for a growing number of ...
Figure 1: The internal parts of KMLabs' XUUS, which converts near-infrared ultrafast laser signals to wavelengths in the soft-X-ray or EUV region. KMLABS Shown here are the gas flow system and ...
An Aston University researcher has conducted the first experimental demonstration of intricate and previously theorised ...
Researchers have simplified a highly complex quantum imaging technique, 2DES, used to observe ultrafast electron interactions ...
A research team led by Prof. Liang Changhao from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ...
Alongside CMS Laser, we are making this possible and accessible for clients in the medical device manufacturing sector.” The adoption of ultrafast lasers for marking medical devices has surged ...
Instantly turning a material from opaque to transparent, or from a conductor to an insulator, is no longer the stuff of ...
Building the ultrafast microscope was a challenge ... then hit with a sequence of laser pulses. The first pulse excites the electrons in the visible, and subsequent pulses in the infrared watch how ...
Scientists have unlocked a way to read magnetic orientation at record-breaking speeds using terahertz radiation. Modern hard ...
Laser Photonics (LASE) and its recently acquired subsidiary, Control Micro Systems announced today the expansion of their Laser Marking for ...