That graffiti— “Another wall?! Have you lost your mind?!” —is a scream for real security. It declares that it is unacceptable for genocidal monsters to live on our doorstep. Unacceptable to keep ...
The city of Sderot has become the first local authority in Israel to take direct action against antisemitism in the online gaming world. Partnering with the National Digital Center and the ...
Three rockets were launched from the northern Gaza Strip at the southern border city of Sderot a short while ago, the military says. One of the rockets was intercepted, while another struck the ...
AMSTERDAM (JTA) — Dutch Christian Zionists donated Europe’s largest Hanukkah menorah to the Israeli city of Sderot in solidarity with its residents’ plight over rocket attacks from Gaza.
(JTA) — In the 2000s, as the small Israeli town of Sderot endured heavy rocket fire ... praying at the Western Wall and enjoying free admission to local museums. Many had never before enjoyed ...