We understand that completing your final research project is both an exciting and a ... Master’s students are required to have a minimum of 6 semester hours of thesis research (i.e. 699) over a ...
The faculty believes that a Bates senior is well-educated and well-prepared to undertake a significant research ... in the final year of study in their major. At Bates, this capstone experience most ...
An academic research thesis generally involves more than an industrial ... By the end of the first week of the quarter following successful thesis defense Student should submit the final thesis to ...
For detailed instructions on the submission of your final thesis project, please read carefully the instruction sheet included in your defense packet. Note: For some students, research conducted for ...
This guide does not deal with detailed information on how to research or write a dissertation or thesis. Please use these guidelines from the moment you begin drafting your thesis or dissertation as ...
I have used the official Purdue Microsoft Word thesis template from the Purdue University Thesis & Dissertation division website. I am submitting my final thesis as a Microsoft Word document.
All students complete a significant project of undergraduate research or creative scholarship and are ... Prior to submitting the final honors thesis for publication, students must defend their thesis ...
The three minute presentation is the final evidence for the micro-credential ... and the Peer Pitch by the prescribed due dates will earn the Three Minute Thesis: Communicating Research to Broad ...
Normally, you should complete most of your research by the beginning of the second semester, and then use February and March to write and revise. The final thesis is due in April (on a specific date ...