Easter is approaching. And with it comes several Christian holidays to observe. What to know about Good Friday, Maundy ...
Lent is a time of preparation and self-recognition before Easter. According to the United States Conference of Catholic ...
Per college policy, no student is required to take an examination or fulfill any other scheduled course requirements on recognized major religious holidays. Students are expected to declare their ...
We must recognize that maintaining our Jewish identity while building bridges with our neighbors creates a strong and ...
"There's so much division in our world ... the only way that we can begin to heal those divides and build bridges is by ...
March is halfway over, and Nevadans may be wondering: When is Easter? The Christian holiday is particularly late this year. In fact, it's a month after spring begins. So when is the springtime ...
Initially, St. Patrick's Day was a solemn religious observance in Ireland, featuring church services and feasts in his honor. However, as Irish immigrants spread around the world, particularly to the ...
Originating as a religious holiday, it has evolved into a celebration of Irish culture, particularly in the United States. Columbus boasts a rich Irish heritage and hosts numerous events ...
Today the Center for Spiritual Life offers a wide range of services to the Brandeis community from many different faiths. The ...