When charismatic gypsy traveller Paddy Doherty introduced his family and friends to the nation onscreen in 2010, viewers were fascinated and baffled in equal measure by his community's way of life.
Paddy Doherty, one of the stars of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, posted a video tribute, saying the deaths of the "two good looking boys" were a "terrible tragedy". Kent Police said the twins' deaths ...
My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding star Paddy Doherty will today lead a march in Manchester against the way youngsters from the Travelling community were treated by police. Romany Gypsies and Irish ...
Tonight we'll be getting a rare glimpse into the Traveller community - but unlike any previous series we've seen before, we'll be exploring the world of the Gypsy Kids. In a world where boys are ...
Around 300 people from Traveller communities and their supporters marched through Manchester city centre in protest at treatment of young Traveller teens hoping to visit the city's Christmas market.