Interestingly, this sort of magnification, known as gravitational lensing, was first predicted by Albert Einstein in 1915.
Astronomers have discovered strong evidence for the closest supermassive black hole outside of the Milky Way galaxy. This ...
New observations using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) reveal a "unique" ongoing, rapid-fire light show at the ...
The disc of plasma surrounding the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way is constantly emitting flares both large and small.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured stunning images of black holes, revealing their energy and interactions with ...
A supermassive black hole that doesn't appear to be where we would expect seems to be travelling at more than a thousand ...
The Large Magellanic Cloud, a close neighbor to the Milky Way, may house a giant black hole. It's the closest supermassive ...
Observations revealed ongoing fireworks featuring short bursts and longer flares. Imagine solar flares, but magnified to an ...
The mysterious Oort cloud is the source of many of our solar system's comets, but astronomers still have no idea what it ...
A team of astronomers has found the first binary star system, D9, near the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*. Previously ...
Digital brings you some essential facts about Black Hole that may come in handy for students. Before we dive deep into the ...