Sugar maple habitats appear to be shifting northward due to climate change. Maine maple syrup producers are working to adapt.
US sugarmakers expand into alternative tree syrups to fortify their businesses in the face of climate change and newly ...
Learn how to make maple syrup with tips from professionals, or find out where you can buy some of Maine's finest pancake topping.
Maple sugaring season has begun in Michigan, offering residents a chance to see how sap is harvested and turned into syrup. Michigan ranks fifth in the nation for maple syrup production ...
It takes 40 gallons of tree sap to create one gallon of maple syrup. The formula might come from science, but the result is pure magic, especially to Vermonters, who’ve been tapping and sugaring ...
Try these vegan carrot cake pancakes for Pancake Day or anytime for a taste of vegan Easter. Enjoy with maple syrup and vegan ...