Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude (originally published in 1967) has long been heralded as a masterpiece of magical realism and a cornerstone of Latin American literature.
Courses examine and analyze Latin American and Caribbean cultures, economies, social and political systems, literature, art, music, history, and geography across the hemisphere. Opportunities to study ...
An introduction to 20th century Latin American literature and its historical and political contexts through short literary works in Spanish. The fourth number of the course code shows the level of the ...
Drawing largely upon the graphic novel, The Eternaut is poised to be the first audio-visual adaptation of the original material. El Eternauta appeared serially from 1957 to 1959 and was published in a ...
But while the members of the so-called Boom cast a long shadow over Latin American literature for decades, a group of writers who could be their grandchildren – or, more specifically ...
Studies have shown a general increase in jobs requiring linguistic and cultural fluency in recent years. Graduates with a degree in Latin American studies enjoy careers in translating, interpreting or ...