Ice jams happen when ice breaks up into chunks that clump together and block the river from flowing properly. Mild temperatures will allow the threat of ice jams to continue into this afternoon.
Ecologist Mark Belchier who advises the South Georgia government said: "If it breaks up, the resulting icebergs are ... it ...
Pour warm water into a bucket. Add rock salt crystals to it. (A good ratio is 1 gallon water to 1 cup rock salt, but this is ...
Defense secretary orders military to prepare for major budget cuts Watch emotional dad break down into proud tears at his son’s first MLB appearance Astronauts Who Have Been in Space for 8 Month ...
DODGE COUNTY (WLUK) -- The Dodge County Sheriff's Office is urging the public to "use caution" after multiple ice breaks were reported on Beaver Dam Lake over the past 24-hour period. According to ...
The press release continued: "Additionally, IDFG boat ramps from North Fork upstream to Red Rock are being cleared of ice today. All other ramps from Carmen Creek upstream to Ellis are usable.
Many stores across the state are either out of or are in a low supply of rock salt and calcium chloride. But, there are alternatives creative people can use to clear the ice around their homes.