Stereotypes can give real estate agents and appraisers a bad reputation. Dean House, who lives in Halls, is trying to fight ...
The job of an AMC is fairly straightforward: When someone wants to get a mortgage for a house, the lender will order an appraisal of the property to determine how much it's worth (and, by ...
If you bought a home after 2009, your appraisal fee almost certainly included hundreds of dollars for a middleman you've likely never heard of.
Appraisers are getting more responsibilities. As of Feb. 4, appraisers will be required to submit a report that the market analysis they produced supports both the indicated overall market trend ...
The plaintiffs claimed Rocket and an affiliate shared home value estimates from refinance applications with appraisers, ...
When you buy a home, the mortgage lender requires a third-party professional to create an appraisal report that estimates the house’s value. Under the traditional home appraisal process ...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. -- The House to-day passed a provision for the appropriation of $175,000 for the installation of a pneumatic tube system between the Appraisers' offices and the Custom House ...