Tomatoes are easy to grow, both in the greenhouse and in the garden. They do well in pots and growing bags so are perfect for ...
Person planting seeds in a starter tray indoors - Fotostorm/Getty Images Living in an area with four seasons gives you the gifts of the first spring flowers, summer abundance, brilliant fall ...
Tomato plants are big and require spacing in a home garden. Many of us are not growing acres of tomatoes but instead a dozen ...
Iowa State University Extension Horticulture Specialist Dan Fillius shares what he's excited to plant this next season.
What a wonderful way to enjoy gardening, especially during the winter months.
Q I have this "thing" about keeping my potted geraniums alive over the winter. Here's a picture of them inside. They will get ...
If you’ve been in garden supply stores or perusing various seed catalogs lately, you may have noticed the different types of ...
Burpee has developed tomato and pepper cultivars whose seeds can be planted directly in the garden, instead of using ...
Some common vegetable crops such as tomato, pepper ... germinate well in various light conditions in the home. Most seeds will germinate in three to seven days and will be ready for harvest ...