There’s a lot of illegal baiting taking place on both public and private land, and law-abiding hunters seem to be getting the short end of the stick.
Earlier this month, a Michigan bill was introduced that would reinstate deer baiting in the Lower Peninsula. Another bill was introduced that would mandate body cameras for DNR conservation ...
Michigan has the only persisting bovine tuberculosis outbreak in wild deer anywhere in the U.S. — and it occasionally spills ...
Local Conservation Officer Darrin Kittelson reminds deer hunters that baiting deer is illegal and urges them to be familiar with the rules. Kittelson said he’s seen a number hunting shacks ...
(AP) – An ”unprecedented” number of firearms were seized from Minnesota hunters last weekend as illegal deer baiting reached new high levels, say Minnesota Department of Natural Resources ...
A farm-raised deer in Eau Claire County tested positive for chronic wasting disease according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources on Tuesday.